panel data set

英 [ˈpænl ˈdeɪtə set] 美 [ˈpænl ˈdeɪtə set]




  1. A document information panel cannot access a data source from another domain unless the document information panel is set to full trust.
  2. A program written to define one or more field by field panels to is stored in a panel data set.
  3. Based on a large panel data set, we present the stylized facts of rural taxation in China and propose a general theoretical framework in understanding these facts.
  4. It uses a panel data set of 22 firms over the period 1999& 2002 to evaluate their efficiency scores applying a DEA approach. It then employs an econometric model to identify the key determinants of efficiency.
  5. With many transmit protocols and interfaces, the panel is convenient to form many configurations for software. Through the keyboard in the panel, the data can be set and renovated;
  6. We differentiate the economy elements into three variables: the rural industry, rural agriculture and urban economy. Using the panel data set of these three variables, we estimate their relation with the Rural-Urban income disparity.
  7. On this base, it collected and gathered more thoroughly panel data, and then set up a series of index sign.
  8. Have set up the big sample panel data set in a great deal of variables, such as regional environment, stock right structure and performance index of 910 companies, etc. from 2000 to 2004, adopt the feasible generalized least squares method ( FGLS) to estimate.